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同种异体骨髓间质干细胞移植联合VEGF基因转染治疗心肌梗死的实验研究    点此下载全文
张家明  卢永昕  曾秋棠  毛晓波  关思虞  王祥
摘要点击次数: 2002
全文下载次数: 106
关键词:移植 骨髓间质干细胞 基因转染 血管内皮生长因子 心肌梗死 大鼠
Experimental study of allogenetic bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells transplantation combining with vascular endothelial growth factor gene therapy on rat infracted myocardium    Download Fulltext
ZHANG Jiaming  LU Yongxin  ZENG Qiutang  
Fund Project:
      Objiective:To investigate the effects of allogenetic bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells(BMSCs) transplantation combining with vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) gene therapy on myocardial angiogenesis and cardiac performance in rats with myocardium infraction. Method:BMSCs were isolated and cultured in rats in vitro, and VEGF165 plasmid were made. Rats were randomly divided into four groups(n=12 in each group): BMSCs implantation and VEGF transfection group,BMSCs implantation, VEGF transfection group,control group. Two weeks after left anterior descending artery ligated to create myocardial infarction, BMSCs labeled with BrdU and /or VEGF165 were injected into the infarctd and ischemia myocardium. Four weeks later, samples were examined with immune histochemistry staining and cardiac performance were assessed using echocardiography. Result:Most donor cells labeled with BrdU could be identified in host hearts, and some cells were incorporated into the coronary capillaries outside the infracted region. After both BMSCs implantation and VEGF165 transfection, the capillary density was the highest among the four groups(P<0.01,respectively),the myocardium thickness and movement were improved, and the cardiac ejection fraction was enhanced to the most extent. Conclusion:Allogenetic BMSCs implantation combining with VEGF gene therapy can enhance the efficacy of BMSCs implantation in promoting rat myocardial angiogenesis and in improving its cardiac performance.
Keywords:transplantation  bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells  gene therapy, endothelial growth factor  myocardial infarction  rat
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