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血管性认知功能障碍的严重程度对脑卒中后偏瘫患者功能结局的影响    点此下载全文
欧海宁  李盈盈  陈红霞  窦祖林
[1]广东省中医院康复科,广州510120 [2]中山大学附属第三医院,广州510120
摘要点击次数: 2310
全文下载次数: 1742
关键词:脑血管意外 认知障碍 血管性痴呆
The serious degree of vascular cognitive impairment following stroke and the functional outcome of hemiplegia    Download Fulltext
OU Haining  LI Yingying  CHEN Hongxia  et al.
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, 510120
Fund Project:
      Objective: To evaluate the functional outcome of patients stroke of vascular cognitive impairment without dementia(VCIND) and dementia(VD), and to compare the cognitive function, motor function, ADL and rehabilitation efficacy after training. Method: Sixty-four participants were divided into VD(n=30) and VCIND(n=34) groups. Both groups received cognitive training, physical therapy and ADL training. The neurobehavioral congnitive status exam assessment was used to assess cognitive function. The Fugl-Meyer motor assessments were used to assess motor function,the Barthel index were used to assess ADL and the rehabilitation efficacy was evaluated by the ratio of the changed value of ADL to the hospitalized days. Result: Before the trainings, some cognitive function of VCIND was lower than normal value, such as attention, construction, memory and calculation. All parameters in VD group were lower than normal value. After training, attention,orientation,construction,memory,judgement.comprehension were superior in VCIND, only orientation was superior in VD. The improvement of motor functions and ADL in VCIND were better than VD. The rehabilitation efficacy in VCIND was superior to VD. Conclusion: The functional outcome of VCIND is better than VD.
Keywords:cerebrovascular accident  cognitive impairment  vascular dementia
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