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太极拳运动对中年人平衡能力的影响    点此下载全文
荣湘江  马炳存
首都体育学院体育保健康复教研室, 北京北三环西路11号,100088
摘要点击次数: 2549
全文下载次数: 1999
      摘要 目的:本文以中年人为对象,分析讨论太极拳练习对人体平衡机能的影响,为更好地推广太极拳练习提供理论依据。方法:选择北京崇文区现有在册太极拳习练者与本区内身体健康、不经常从事体育锻炼的中年人共421人分为实验组和对照组,每组又分男性、女性组,并各自划分46—50岁、51—55岁、56—60岁三个年龄组,进行闭眼单脚站立测试。结果:中年男性三个年龄段实验组与对照组相比平衡能力均提高(P<0.05)。中年女性46—50岁和56—60岁年龄段实验组与对照组相比平衡能力提高(P<0.05),51—55岁年龄段两组差异无显著性。中年男性闭眼单脚站立的成绩优于女性,但整体差异不具有显著性。结论:通过测试发现,各年龄段的实验组平衡能力均优于对照组,但无性别差异。说明坚持太极拳锻炼能提高中年人的平衡能力。 关键词 太极拳; 中年人; 平衡能力 中图分类号:R493 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1242(2008)-04-0344-03
关键词:太极拳  中年人  平衡能力
Research on impacts of Taijiquan on the balance ability of the middle-aged people    Download Fulltext
The Studies′ Section of Health Care and Rehabilitation of Sports, Capital Institute of Physical Education, Beijing, 100088
Fund Project:
      Objective:To analysis and discuss the effects of Taijiquan on the balance ability in middle-aged people, and provide theoretical bases for extending Taijiquan exercises in popular. Method:In Beijing Chongwen district, 421 middle-aged persons were involved and divided into two groups, one persisted in doing Taijiquan exercises as exercise group and the other were common healthy middle-aged people who didn′t do exercises frequently as control group. Each group were divided into male and female groups, and subdivided into 46—50,51—55, 56—60 three-age sections. All subjects stood on one leg with eyes closed to be tested. Result:In three-age sections,comparing with control group the balance ability of male exercises group elevated(P<0.05). In 46—50 and 56—60 age sections,comparing with control group the balance ability of female exercises group elevated(P<0.05). But there was no significant difference in 51—55-age section of female. The test results of male group were better than female, but there was no significant difference. Conclusion: This study suggested comparing with control group the balance ability of exercises group elevated and there was no gender difference, and persisting in doing Taijiquan can contribute to balance ability in middle-aged people.
Keywords:Taijiquan  middle-aged people  balance ability
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