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熊妮娜,李 勇,于 洋,杨 丽,李 佳,李媛媛,李 振,董 爽,唐亚娟,邓慧群.孤独症儿童3年随访及相关康复情况调查[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(7):670~673
孤独症儿童3年随访及相关康复情况调查    点此下载全文
熊妮娜  李 勇  于 洋  杨 丽  李 佳  李媛媛  李 振  董 爽  唐亚娟  邓慧群
摘要点击次数: 1992
全文下载次数: 1823
      摘要 目的:对29名孤独症儿童进行3年随访及相关康复情况调查。 方法:对家长进行康复相关情况的访谈,对患儿进行Gesell量表和孤独症评定量表(childhood autism rating scale, CARS)量表检查。 结果:随访到完整资料的22名孤独症儿童中,45.5%从未接受过康复,66.7%在4—6岁时才开始康复,41.7%患儿父母未接受过康复方面的业务培训,接受过康复的患儿回到家中仅有41.7%按照专业人员要求继续系统训练,家庭训练中最大的困难是患儿不配合,患儿未接受康复训练的原因主要是费用过高。与3年前相比,大部分患儿各种能力及一半患儿核心症状都得到改善,改善比例最高和最低的领域分别是大运动和核心症状。接受过康复的患儿比未接受过康复的患儿适应性和言语改善明显较好。 结论:康复可以改善患儿的短期预后,但患儿的早期康复时机未得到充分利用,家长缺乏相关知识,也受到经济等客观条件的制约。
关键词:孤独症  儿童  随访  康复  调查
Three years follow-up and investigation of rehabilitation conditions of children with autism    Download Fulltext
Beijing Disabled Persons′ Rehabilitation Service and Guidance Center, Beijing,100028
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To follow-up 29 children with autism and investigate their rehabilitation conditions. Method:Parents were ask about children′s rehabilitation conditions and the children were measured with Gesell and childhood autism rating scale(CARS). Result:Among the 22 children with autism participated in this study, 45.5% hadn′t receive any rehabilitation, 66.7% began to receive rehabilitation at 4—6 years old, 41.7% parents hadn′t receive any training of rehabilitation, only 41.7% among those received rehabilitation continue to be trained systematically at home. The biggest problem of home-based training was in-cooperation of children, the major cause of that children didn′t receive any rehabilitation was expensive cost. Compared children′s symptoms with those of three years ago, the capability of most children and core symptoms of half of children improved, movement improvement had the highest proportion, and core symptoms improvement had the lowest proportion. Children who received rehabilitation had better improvement in adaptability and speech than children who hadn′t receive any rehabilitation. Conclusion:Rehabilitation played an important role in improvement of short-term prognosis, yet the children with autism hadn′t get the utilization of early rehabilitation opportunity, parents were lack of knowledge related to rehabilitation, and children′s rehabilitation was limited by economic conditions.
Keywords:autism  children  follow up  rehabilitation  investigation
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