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冯 珍,杨初燕,吴 磊,邵秀芹,张 军.个体化截瘫行走支具对脊髓损伤患者功能的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(9):854~857
个体化截瘫行走支具对脊髓损伤患者功能的影响    点此下载全文
冯 珍  杨初燕  吴 磊  邵秀芹  张 军
摘要点击次数: 2324
全文下载次数: 1858
      摘要 目的: 观察个体化截瘫行走支具对脊髓损伤患者运动功能、日常生活活动能力及步行能力的影响。 方法: 将44例脊髓损伤患者随机分为支具组22例和对照组22例。对照组进行综合性的系统康复治疗, 支具组在综合性的系统康复治疗基础上根据康复治疗效果评估后装配不同的截瘫行走支具并进行功能训练。 结果: 经过3个月的康复训练后两组患者的运动功能、感觉功能和日常生活活动能力的评分均得到有效提高, 且支具组日常生活活动能力的评分明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。支具组22例患者装配截瘫行走支具训练后平均行走距离达470m(四分位数间距为:162.50m—900m),其中达到治疗性步行6例,家庭性步行10例,社区性步行6例。而对照组无一例有步行能力。 结论: 早期规范康复介入可明显提高脊髓损伤患者的运动功能、感觉功能及日常生活活动能力,针对患者的具体状况装配个体化截瘫支具对患者的日常生活活动能力及步行能力的改善有重要意义。
关键词:个体化截瘫支具  脊髓损伤  日常生活活动能力  步行功能
The impact of individualized paraplegia orthosis on the function of Spinal cord injury patients    Download Fulltext
The First Hospital Affiliated to Nanchang University,330006
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To observe the effects of individualized paraplegia orthosis on motor function,activity of daily living(ADL) and walking ability of spinal cord injury(SCI) patients. Method: A total of 44 SCI patients were divided into orthosis group(n=22) and control group(n=22). Comprehensive rehabilitation treatment was executed for the control group, the patients in orthosis group received comprehensive rehabilitation treatment and were fitted up the individualized paraplegia walking orthoses and were applied relative functional training according to the evaluation of rehabilitation therapeutic efficacy. Result:The scores of motor function, sensory function and ADL ability improved after 3 months rehabilitation training. The scores of ADL in orthosis group were obviously better than that in control group(P<0.05). All the patients of orthosis group could walk 470m on an average; after fitted the individualized paraplegia orthoses,6 patients could perform therapeutic ambulation, 10 patients household ambulation, 6 patients community ambulation. No patient of control group had walking ability. Conclusion: Early norm rehabilitation can improve the abilities of motor, sensory and ADL of SCI patients. Fitting individualized paraplegia orthosis according to the specific state of patient is important for improving the abilities of ADL and walking for SCI patients.
Keywords:individualized paraplegia orthosis  spinal cord injury  activity of daily living  walking function
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