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付 奕,窦祖林,丘卫红,林夏妃,黄小静,廖 迪.脑卒中患者姿势控制能力的量化评价[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(10):947~952
脑卒中患者姿势控制能力的量化评价    点此下载全文
付 奕  窦祖林  丘卫红  林夏妃  黄小静  廖 迪
摘要点击次数: 2898
全文下载次数: 2137
      摘要 目的:探讨动态姿势平衡仪对脑卒中后偏瘫患者姿势控制能力的量化评价。 方法:选取28例符合入选标准的偏瘫患者,随机分为平衡仪训练组(n=14)和传统训练组(n=14)。平衡仪训练组根据动态姿势平衡仪评估结果采用的训练方案进行个性化的平衡功能训练;传统训练组进行传统的平衡功能训练。两组训练时间均为20min/次,5d/周,共2周。在治疗前和治疗2周后分别采用动态姿势平衡仪中的感觉组织能力试验(SOT),稳定极限测试(LOS)及徒步走测试进行准确客观的量化评估。 结果:平衡仪训练组SOT测试中的EOSS、ECSS、 SVSS条件下的平衡指数及LOS测试结果中患者EPE和DCL,治疗前后比较及与传统训练组相应指标比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。徒步走测试中平衡仪训练组的步长与步速治疗前后比较及与传统训练组相应指标比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。传统训练组组内各项参数比较差异无显著性意义。 结论:动态姿势平衡训练可以明显改善脑卒中患者的姿势控制能力,提高中枢神经系统根据变化的任务重建感觉(特别是前庭系统)和运动系统的能力,同时能明显提高偏瘫患者的步行能力。
关键词:动态平衡训练  姿势控制  感觉运动控制  脑卒中
Quantitative assessment of postural control in patients with stroke    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510630
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To discuss the quantitative assessment of postural control in patients with stroke using Smart Equitest balance master system. Method: Twenty-eight patients with 1 to 6 months post-stroke were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group with 14 subjects in each group. Balance training with balance master system was used in the treatment group. Traditional balance training was used in the control group. Two groups received interventions 20min per time, 5 times per week. Subjects were assessed using the sensory organization test(SOT)、limit of stability(LOS) and walking across test before and after 2 weeks of treatment. Result: The scores for the terms of EOSS、ECSS、SVSS in SOT test showed significant improvement post-treatment than pre-treatment and control group. The terms of EPE and DCL in LOS test showed significant improvement post-treatment than pre-treatment and control group. The step length and velocity in walking across test showed significant improvement post-treatment than pre-treatment and control group. Conclusion: Dynamic balance training can significantly improve the postural control in patients with stroke, improve the abilities of the sensation(especially the vestibular system) and motor systems based on the task-oriented and significantly improve walking ability in patients with hemiplegia simultaneously.
Keywords:dynamic balance training  posture control  sensory motor control  stroke
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