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王桂茂,严隽陶,刘玉超,齐 瑞.脑卒中偏瘫步态的时空参数与骨盆运动学分析[J].中国康复医学杂志,2010,25(12):1148~1151
脑卒中偏瘫步态的时空参数与骨盆运动学分析    点此下载全文
王桂茂  严隽陶  刘玉超  齐 瑞
摘要点击次数: 2428
全文下载次数: 1983
      摘要 目的:探讨脑卒中偏瘫步态的时空参数与骨盆的运动学变化特征,从而为其康复治疗提供有价值的依据。 方法:运用三维运动解析系统,对符合纳入标准的10例缺血性脑卒中偏瘫步态者进行步态分析,与其基本情况相匹配的健康者10例作为对照。评价两组间在时-空参数、步态周期方面的差异及偏瘫步态者骨盆运动在矢状面、横断面与冠状面上的运动变化特征。 结果:脑卒中偏瘫步态者步行速度减慢,步频降低,步宽加大,步长缩短,且健侧步长缩短更为明显。患侧双支撑期在步态周期中所占的比例增加,单支撑期所占的比例减少。健侧支撑期、双支撑期在步态周期中所占的比例增加,摆动期所占的比例减少,健侧在步行中起代偿作用。偏瘫步态骨盆运动表现为骨盆横断面上的旋转度增加和矢状面上倾斜度的增加。 结论:三维运动解析系统测试可定量评价与分析偏瘫患者步行功能,定量评价偏瘫患者骨盆运动变化,从而有益于治疗计划的制定。
关键词:运动分析  偏瘫  步态  运动学分析
The spatial-temporal parameters and kinematics analysis of stroke hemiplegic gait    Download Fulltext
Shanghai TCM Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, 200071
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the spatial-temporal parameters and the pelvic characters of stroke hemiplegic gait, in order to offer the idea of rehabilitation in clinic. Method: Ten stroke patients with hemiplegic gait were included, and 10 volunteers with normal gait were assigned as control. The gaits of patients and volunteers were analysed with the 3D motion analysis system. The hemiplegic gait′s characters of spatial-temporal parameters and the motion of the pelvic in sagital plane, transverse plane and frontal plane were evaluated. Result: The hemiplegic gait speed and cadence were slow, stride width was widened. Step length was shortened, and the step length of healthy side was shorter than that of hemiplegic side. The double limb support phase of hemiplegic side was prolonged and the single limb support phase was shortened. The stance phase and double limb support phase of healthy side were prolonged, swing phase was shortened. The pelvic′s range of motion became widened in transverse plane and sagital plane. Conclusion: The motion analysis system could evaluate hemiplegic gait, proseed a quantitative analysis of the pelvicmotions therefore provide the available information for designing rehabilitation schedule.
Keywords:motionanalysis  hemiplegia  gait  kinematic analysis
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