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不同硬度鞋底在人体行走中的足底肌电变化    点此下载全文
宋雅伟  寇恒静  张曦元
摘要点击次数: 2087
全文下载次数: 1679
      摘要 目的:对人体穿不同硬度鞋底的鞋行走,进行生物力学分析,通过人体行走中的肌电变化来评价不同硬度鞋底的功能特性。 方法:对受试者(着自行设计的实验用鞋)在跑台上以2m/s的速度,进行步行60min的测试,运用Biovision 16通道肌电图机、Vicon红外摄像系统进行同步测试,对胫骨前肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌和股二头肌肌肉电信号的积分肌电值(IEMG)与中位频率(MF)信号进行采集,找出穿不同硬度鞋底的鞋在人体长时间步行中对上述肌肉的时域和频域指标影响。 结果:穿软底鞋IEMG总体高于其他两种硬度的鞋,其中腓肠肌的表现尤其明显,IEMG为(434.946±133.782)uvs,MF为(78.563±45.345)Hz,肌电活动较大时容易疲劳。穿软底鞋行走时在全掌着地,脚跟离地,脚尖离地期胫骨前肌收缩消耗的时间较其他两种硬度的鞋长。穿中等硬度鞋行走时股外侧肌肌肉收缩时长最短。 结论:鞋底的软硬程度对人体在行走过程中下肢肌电变化具有一定影响,硬底鞋关节缓冲比较差,耗能小,对关节保护比较差,足弓不易塌陷。
关键词:鞋底  硬度  行走  足底  肌电
The study on changes of myo-electricity of planta pedis during walking with different hardness soles of shoes    Download Fulltext
Department of Sport and health Science,Nanjing Institute of Physical Education,Nanjing 210014
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study the changes of myo-electricity of planta pedis during walking with different hardness soles of shoes by biomechanical analysis, and explore the different functional characteristics of shoes with different hardness soles. Method:Using Biovision 16 channel electromyograph integrated EMG(IEMG) signals and medium frequency(MF) signals of anterior tibial muscle, lateral femoral muscle, gastrocnemius muscle and femoral biceps muscles were measured to find the influence of long time walking with different hardness soles of shoes on the time domain and frequency domain of above-mentioned muscle indexes. Result: In total the IEMG value at walking with soft soles of shoes was higher than those with other two kinds of hardness soles of shoes, especially in gastrocnemius muscle, IEMG(434.946±133.782)uvs, MF(78.563±45.345)Hz. The larger myo-electricity, activity the easier muscle fatigue occured. During walking with soft shoes the time of anterior tibial muscle contraction consumed at planta contact, heel off and forefoot off periods were longer than those with the other two kinds of hardness of soles of shoes. During walking with medium hardness soles of shoes the time of lateral femoral muscle contraction consumed was the shortest. Conclusion: During walking the hardness of soles of shoes influences could cause some on the myo-electricities changes of lower extremties muscles. The buffering influence of hard soles of shoes was weaker, caused less energy consumption, provided less joint protection; therefore, arches of feet, might not be collapsed easily. For the feet health everyone must pay attention to the choice of shoes.
Keywords:shoes soles  hardness  walk  planto pedis  myo-electricity
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