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史清钊,方小芳,周 军,郭佳佳.火针治疗对跟腱末端病大鼠跟腱区组织病理变化影响的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(5):459~463
火针治疗对跟腱末端病大鼠跟腱区组织病理变化影响的研究    点此下载全文
史清钊  方小芳  周 军  郭佳佳
基金项目:北京市教委科技以及社科计划资助项目(KM200810029004); 北京市教委运动人体科学学科可持续发展与平台建设项目资助(PXM2010-014206-098350)
摘要点击次数: 2449
全文下载次数: 2385
      摘要 目的:通过观察跟腱末端病大鼠在1次与4次火针治疗后末端止点部位病变状况,分析探讨火针治疗末端病的机制。 方法:采用88只雄性SD大鼠。以“电击跳跃法”训练8周建立大鼠跟腱末端病模型,对治疗组80只鼠施以火针治疗1—4,火针治疗后处死大鼠,取大鼠跟腱末端进行HE染色,在显微镜下观察每个样本跟腱末端、纤维软骨区、跟骨区、腱骨关节面、腱围共5个区域。 结果:造模组与安静对照组在组织形态上出现较大的差异,出现典型的末端病病变现象,如腱纤维模糊、紊乱;潮线轮廓不规则出现明显的“涨潮”现象;钙化软骨区明显增厚等。火针治疗组末端病病理学表现比对照组有所改善,尤其是在4次火针治疗后,主要表现在跟腱、纤维软骨区和腱骨关节面。 结论:在1次火针治疗第3、4天后,末端区病变较对照组有所改善,4次火针治疗比1次火针能更有效地促进末端结构的恢复。
关键词:末端病  火针  跟腱  电击跳跃法
A study on pathological changes at Achilles′ tendon enthesopathy of rats after flame-acupuncture treatment    Download Fulltext
The Capital Ins of P.E, the Department of Health Care and Rehabilitation, Beijing, 100088
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To compare pathological changes at Achilles′ tendon enthesopathy after once flame-acupuncture treatment and four times flame-acupuncture treatment, and to discuss the mechanism of flame-acupuncture in treatment of enthesopathy. Method: A total of 88 SD rats were used. The Achille's tendon enthesopathy rat model was established by “electrical shock jump” training for 8 weeks. Then rats in flame-acupuncture treatment group(n=80) were sacrificed after flame-acupunctrue treatment, and the Achilles' tendons were taken and made HE staining. Under microscope the histomorphology of Achilles' tendon of each sample, including the terminal part of Achilles′ tendon, unmineralized fibrocartilage, calceneous, cartlilago articularis and region around tendon were observed, and photographs were taken. Result: There were considerable differences in morphology between model group and normal group. In model group enthesopathy phenomena showed vague and disordered tendon fibers, “rising tide” phenomona, thick mineralized fibrocartilage. In flame-acupuncture treatment group,compared with control group, the above-mentioned phenomena improved mainly in Achilles' tendon, unmineralized fibrocartilage and cartilago articularis, especially after the 4th flame-acupuncture treatment. Conclusion: There was a greater improvement in flame-acupuncture treatment group after once flame-acupuncture treatment on the 3rd and 4th d than that in control group. The effect of four times flame-acupuncture treatment was better than that of once treatment in improving the pathologic histology of enthesopathy.
Keywords:enthesopathy  flame-acupuncture  Achilles' tendon  electrical shock jump
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