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汪 洁,宋为群,吴东宇.语音治疗对完全性失语症同音词图命名的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(8):711~714
语音治疗对完全性失语症同音词图命名的影响    点此下载全文
汪 洁  宋为群  吴东宇
摘要点击次数: 2933
全文下载次数: 2754
      摘要 目的:研究语音治疗对单音节同音词、近音词、近义词、不同声调词的命名效果,为语音输出词典受损提供最佳治疗方案,并为同音词是否共享一个语音词条提供证据。 方法:对1例慢性完全性失语症患者进行汉语失语症心理语言评价中的语义系统和语音输出词典检查,并进行同音词、近音词、近义词、不同声调词(各20个)图命名检查,其中每类词各10个作为语音治疗项,另外10个作为非治疗项。语音治疗由图片命名和语音提示构成。语音提示的方法是,当患者命名失败时:①口形提示;②拼音提示(如草-c-ao);③复述目标词。 结果:汉语失语症心理语言评价结果显示语义系统轻度受损,语音输出词典重度受损。经23次语音治疗后,患者可以正确命名全部40个治疗项;未治疗的同音词图命名(9/10)与治疗前(2/10)比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),而未治疗的近义词(2/10)、近音词(2/10)、不同声调词(4/10)图命名与治疗前比较,差异无显著性意义。 结论:语音治疗对完全性失语症同音词的图命名有最佳效果,支持同音词共享一个语音词条的假说。
关键词:失语症  语音治疗  同音词  失语症心理语言评价
Effects of phonological treatment on homophone's picture naming in a global aphasic patient    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing,100053
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      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of phonological treatment on picture naming of homophones, phonological-related, semantic-related and intonation-related characters, in order to provide the best treatment method for phonological output lexicon impairment and the evidence for homophones sharing one or two word forms. Method: One chronic global aphasic was examined with psychololinguistic assessment in Chinese aphasia, including tests of semantic system, phonological output lexicon, and picture naming of homophones, phonological-related, semantic-related and intonation-related characters (each lexical category including 20 items respectively). He accepted phonological treatment, which included homophone picture naming and phonological cueing. When the patient failed to name the picture: initial phoneme mouth shape cueing, initial phoneme cueing and repetition target character were provided as the phonological cueing. Result: The results of psychololinguistic assessment in Chinese aphasia showed mildly impaired semantic system and severely impaired phonological output lexicon. The patient could correctly name 40 treated items after 23 times' phonological treatment. Comparing picture naming of untreated homophones (9/10) with that (2/10) of before phonological treatment, there was a significant improvement(P<0.05), and no effect was found on semantic-related characters (2/10), phonological-related (2/10) and intonation-related characters (4/10) compared with that (2/10, 1/10, 3/10 respectively) of before treatment. Conclusion: Phonological treatment has the best naming effect on their homophones, and supports that homophones have one phonological form.
Keywords:aphasia  homophone picture naming  phonological treatment
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