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刘 闯,刘 民,薄绍晔,王治江.广州、东营两市0—18岁残疾儿童医疗康复现状及影响因素[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(8):754~758
广州、东营两市0—18岁残疾儿童医疗康复现状及影响因素    点此下载全文
刘 闯  刘 民  薄绍晔  王治江
摘要点击次数: 2455
全文下载次数: 2487
      摘要 目的:了解广州、东营两地0—18岁残疾儿童的医疗康复现状并分析残疾儿童进行医疗康复的影响因素。 方法:于2009年10月至2009年12月采用定点普查的方法,对广州、东营两地0—18残疾儿童进行调查,使用自行设计的问卷,收集调查地区残疾儿童基本情况、医疗康复形式和康复器具使用情况等信息。 结果:1872例残疾儿童中,已进行医疗康复的比例为57.9%(1053例)。各种类型残疾儿童接受医疗康复的比例分别为听力残疾63.3%(62例),言语残疾69.0%(29例),视力残疾54.3%(50例),智力残疾60.9%(337例),肢体残疾57.2%(301例),精神残疾50.0%(16例),多重残疾54.7%(250例)。残疾儿童康复形式为家庭康复57.5%(606人次)、医院治疗36.7%(386人次)、康复机构18.9%(199人次)、社区康复站10.5%(111人次)、其他机构6.6%(69人次)。残疾儿童年龄、户籍性质、残疾家庭年收入和享有社会救助情况是影响残疾儿童进行医疗康复的主要因素。 结论:残疾儿童医疗康复现状不容乐观,接受正规医疗康复的比例较低。应重点改善农村地区残疾儿童的医疗环境,提高残疾家庭收入并对低收入家庭提供必要的补助,为残疾儿童得到较好的医疗康复提供条件。
关键词:残疾儿童  医疗康复  现状  影响因素
Study on the medical rehabilitation and related factors of disabled children aged 0—18 in Guangzhou and Dongying cities    Download Fulltext
School of Public Health Peking University, Beijing, 100191
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To explore the medical rehabilitation condition of disabled children aged 0—18 in Guangzhou city and Dongying city and its related factors. Method:A census was carried among disabled children aged 0-18 in Guangzhou city and Dongying city from Oct 2009 to Dec 2009. Using a self-designed questionnaire, face to face interviews were taken to collect basic informations, conditions of rehabilitation form and support appliances. Result:The proportion of disabled children had medical rehabilitation was 57.9% (1053 out of 1872). The proportions of different types of disabilities in disabled children were hearing disability 63.3%,speech disability 69.0%,visual disability 54.3%,intellectual disability 60.9%,physical disability 57.2%,psychiatric disability 50.0%,multiple disability 54.7% respectively. The rates of rehabilitation form in disabled children were home rehabilitation 57.5%(606), medical service 36.7%(386), rehabilitation agency 18.9%(199), community rehabilitation centers 10.5%(111) and others 6.6%(69) respectively. Age, household nature, income of households and the social assistances were the influence factors of medical rehabilitation among disabled children. Conclusion: In Guangzhou city and Dongying city the condition of medical rehabilitation was bad, the proportion of disabled children reciving medical rehabilitation was low. In order to provide better medical rehabilitation for more disabled children, more better medical facilities in rural area should be built, the income level of disabled families should be elevated and social assistant should be enhanced.
Keywords:disabled children  medical rehabilitation  condition  related factors
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