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于俊龙,李雪萍,陈安亮,程 凯,林爱翠,安恒远,高明霞.原发性骨质疏松患者的腰椎前凸角、骶骨倾斜角的变化特征[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(11):1039~1042
原发性骨质疏松患者的腰椎前凸角、骶骨倾斜角的变化特征    点此下载全文
于俊龙  李雪萍  陈安亮  程 凯  林爱翠  安恒远  高明霞
摘要点击次数: 2840
全文下载次数: 2850
      摘要 目的:探讨原发性骨质疏松症患者腰椎前凸角、骶骨倾斜角的变化特征。 方法:85例腰背痛患者入选本项研究, 选择39例原发性骨质疏松症患者为观察组,其中男性27例,女性12例,年龄最大77岁,最小50岁,平均年龄(62.35±6.57)岁。同期经检查骨量正常者46例为对照组,男性27例,女性19例,年龄最大72岁,最小53岁,平均年龄(61.56±6.24)岁,研究对象均接受腰椎X线摄片和双能X线骨密度(BMD)检查,测量其腰椎X线片的腰椎前凸角、腰骶椎间盘角、骶骨倾斜角,并进行统计学分析。 结果:观察组腰椎前凸角(35.00±19.91)、腰骶椎间盘角(13.87±4.26)、骶骨倾斜角(27.56±7.13),分别与对照组腰椎前凸角(37.61±5.32)、腰骶椎间盘角(17.46±3.29)、骶骨倾斜角(30.07±5.28)相比均偏小,差异均有显著性意义(P<0.05);观察组与对照组腰椎BMD与腰椎前凸角、腰骶椎间盘角、骶骨倾斜角均呈正相关(P<0.05)。 结论:腰椎BMD与腰椎前凸角、骶骨倾斜角存在相关性,原发性骨质疏松患者的腰椎前凸角、骶骨倾斜角呈减小趋势,提示原发性骨质疏松有较高的发生腰椎骨折及腰背痛的危险性。
关键词:骨质疏松  腰椎  骨密度  生物力学
Characteristics of lumbar lordosis angle and sacral inclination angle of patients with primary osteoporosis    Download Fulltext
Rehabilitation Department of Nanjing First Hospital, Nanjing, 210006
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To research the characteristics of lumbar lordosis angle and sacral inclination angle of patients with primary osteoporosis. Method: Eighty-five patients with low back pain were selected. The observation group included 39 patients with primary osteoporosis, of which 27 male and 12 female, 50—77 years old (62.35±6.57). The control group included 46 patients with normal bone content, of which 27 male and 19 female, 53—72 years old (61.56±6.24). All the patients of the two groups accepted X-ray bone mineral density(BMD) and Dual energy X-ray tests. The lumbar lordosis angle, lumbosacral disc angle and sacral inclination angle were analyzed. Result: The lumbar lordosis angle (35.00±19.91 vs 37.61±5.32), lumbosacral disc angle (13.87±4.26 vs 17.46±3.29) and sacral inclination angle (27.56±7.13 vs 30.07±5.28) decreased significantly in observation group than those in control group (P<0.05). There were positive correlations between lumbar BMD and lumbar lordosis angle, lumbosacral disc angle as well as sacral inclination angle respectively both in observation group and control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: There is correlations between lumbar BMD and lumbar lordosis angle, lumbar BMD and sacral inclination angle. The lumbar lordosis angle and sacral inclination angle show a decrease trend in patients with primary osteoporosis. It suggest primary osteoporosis patients maybe have a high possibility to suffer from vertebral fractures and low back pain.
Keywords:osteoporosis  lumbar  bone mineral density  biomechanics
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