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回金凯,王昭君,郭 琪,孙兆元.音乐疗法对养老院住院老年人运动能力、抑郁和运动训练参加率的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2013,28(4):348~351
音乐疗法对养老院住院老年人运动能力、抑郁和运动训练参加率的影响    点此下载全文
回金凯  王昭君  郭 琪  孙兆元
摘要点击次数: 1845
全文下载次数: 2866
      摘要 目的:探讨音乐疗法对参加运动训练的65岁以上养老院住院老人的运动能力、抑郁状况,以及运动训练参加率的影响。 方法:共选取天津市养老院65岁以上住院老年人104名,将其随机分为运动组和运动+音乐疗法组,每组52名,运动组实施1年运动疗法治疗,2次/周,50min/次,全年共计86次活动,运动+音乐疗法组除参加运动疗法的全部内容外,另给予1次/周,1h/次,全年共计43次的音乐疗法治疗。于干预前及干预1年后对两组老年人的运动能力、抑郁状况及运动训练的参加率进行评定。 结果:两组老年人干预前后相比,其各指标较干预前均有一定改善,除运动+音乐疗法组女子组2min步行距离、握力和老人抑郁量表(GDS)-15值比干预前有显著性的改变(P<0.05)外,其余各指标均无显著性变化。干预后组间各指标相比,运动+音乐疗法组女性老年人的2min步行距离、握力、GDS-15值有显著性的改变(P<0.05)。运动+音乐疗法组体育训练的参加率明显优于单独运动训练组,且女子组表现显著(P<0.05)。 结论:1年的音乐疗法联合运动训练的治疗可以有效地改善老年人的运动能力低下和抑郁状态,同时提高了老年人群运动训练的参加率,且运动训练的参加率的提高明显优于单独运动训练组,值得临床推广应用。
关键词:音乐疗法  运动训练  老年人  运动训练参加率
The effects of musicotherapy on motor function,depression and rate of exercise training attendance of elder persons in geriatric hospital    Download Fulltext
Tianjin Geriatric hospital of people political situation, Tianjin, 300111
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the effects of one year program of exercise training combined with musicotherapy on motor ability, depression and the rate of attending exercise training of elder persons above age 65years in geriatric hospital. Method: One hundred and four people above 65 years of age were selected from the Tianjin Geriatric Hospital and randomly divided into an exercise group (n=52) and exercise combined with musicotherapy group (n=52). The exercise group received one year exercise training which were fifty minutes three times a week, for a year (86 activity sessions). The exercise combined with musicotherapy group received the same exercise training and in addition received musicotherapy. The activity session was 1h per times. once a week, total 43 activity sessions. All elder persons received assessment of motor ability, depression state and the rate exercise attendance before and after one year intervention. All the results were analyzed statistically (P<0.05). Result: After one year intervention the two groups had improvement to some extent, but did not show significant difference(P>0.05), except three indexes [2min walking distance(P<0.05), gripping power(P<0.05), geriatric depression scale(GDS)-15 (P<0.05)] in the women of exercise combined with musicotherapy group, which were significant different between two groups after one year. The rate of attending exercise in combined with musicotherapy group was better than exercise training group, especially in the women (P<0.05). Conclusion: Exercise training combined with musicotherapy could improve motor function, depression and the rate exercise attendance of people over 65 years of age in geriatric hospital. Therefore musicotherapy deserves to be utilized in clinic.
Keywords:musicotherapy  exercise training  aged people  the rate exercise attendance
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