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丛 卉,周谋望,杨延砚,王剑雄.不同体位肩关节旋转肌群等速肌力评定的重测信度研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(1):36~41
不同体位肩关节旋转肌群等速肌力评定的重测信度研究    点此下载全文
丛 卉  周谋望  杨延砚  王剑雄
摘要点击次数: 1845
全文下载次数: 2110
      摘要 目的:利用Biodex?多关节等速力量测试和训练系统研究肩关节旋转肌群等速肌力评定在不同测试体位下的重测信度,为临床应用提供参考。 方法:28名健康受试者,选择向心/向心收缩模式,在60°/s和180°/s速度下分别进行坐位(肩关节外展45°、前屈30°,肩胛骨平面)与仰卧位(肩关节外展45°)肩关节旋转肌群的等速肌力评定,并于1周后由同一操作人员复测。使用组内相关系数(ICC)及测量标准误(SEM)比较不同体位重复测试的相对信度及绝对信度。 结果:峰力矩、总功、平均功率以及平均峰力矩在坐位与仰卧位测试中均显示了中度至高度的相对重测信度(ICC:0.83—0.98);相对峰力矩(ICC:0.71—0.94)及外旋与内旋肌群肌力比值(ICC:0.29—0.84)的相对重测信度为低度至高度。总体绝对信度良好(SEM:6.8%—27.0%),其中仰卧位的数值(SEM:6.8%—23.1%)较坐位的数值(SEM:7.2%—27.0%)更佳。 结论:坐位(肩关节外展45°、前屈30°,肩胛骨平面)及仰卧位(肩关节外展45°)两种体位进行肩关节旋转肌群等速肌力评定均具有良好的重测信度,其中仰卧位测试的信度较坐位更佳;在使用肩关节旋转肌群等速肌力评定结果评价受试者指标变化时,可能需要将测量标准误差考虑在内。
关键词:信度  肩关节  旋转肌群  等速肌力评定  坐位  仰卧位
Reliability of isokinetic assessment for shoulder internal and external rotators in different positions    Download Fulltext
Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine,Peking University Third Hospital,49 North Garden Road,Beijing,100191
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study the test-retest reliability of isokinetic assessment of shoulder internal rotators(IR) and external rotators(ER) in different positions by using a Biodex? dynamometer. Method: Twenty-eight healthy participants were tested twice by the same examiners with interval of 1 week between sessions at 60°/s and 180°/s concentrically. Every participant was tested in seated and supine positions in each session. Use intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC) and standard error of measurement(SEM) to analyze the test-retest reliability between those two positions. Result: Moderate to high reliability was found for peak torque(PT), total work(TW), average power(AP) and average peak torque(AVG PT) (ICC:0.83—0.98). Low to high reliability was found for PT/body weight(BW) (ICC:0.71—0.94) and ER/IR ratio (ICC:0.29—0.84). The SEM ranged from 6.8% to 27.0% and the results of supine position (SEM: 6.8%—23.1%) was better than that of seated position (SEM: 7.2%—27.0%). Conclusion: Both seated with 45° of shoulder abduction in the scapular plane position and supine with 45° of shoulder abduction are reliable for isokinetic assessment of shoulder internal and external rotators, while the resulte of supine position is more reliable than that of seated position. In the clinical practice, the standard error of measurement(SEM) and minimal detectable change(MDC) reported in this study should be taken into account when evaluating the change of each participant.
Keywords:reliability  shoulder  internal and external rotators  isokinetic assessment  seated position  supine position
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