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张安静,李 放,刘 裕,陈 刚.不同年龄与不同位置下进行远端指间关节活动度的测量研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(1):55~58
不同年龄与不同位置下进行远端指间关节活动度的测量研究    点此下载全文
张安静  李 放  刘 裕  陈 刚
摘要点击次数: 1613
全文下载次数: 2366
      摘要 目的:使用通用量角器测量远端指间关节活动度,探讨不同年龄和不同姿势对测量结果的影响。 方法:选取40名健康志愿者(20名年轻人和20名老年人),对其在四个姿势下(即姿势1近端指间关节屈曲并主动屈曲远端指间关节、姿势2近端指间关节屈曲并被动屈曲远端指间关节,姿势3近端指间关节伸直并主动屈曲远端指间关节,姿势4近端指间关节伸直并被动屈曲远端指间关节)分别进行远端指间关节活动度的测量。 结果:在同一年龄组,近端指间关节屈曲和伸直位可对远端指间关节的活动度产生明显的影响。即使保持近端指间关节在同一姿势,远端指间关节主动活动度和被动活动度值间差异具有显著性。另外,近端指间关节伸直位时远端指间关节主动屈曲的活动度明显小于近端指间关节屈曲位时远端指间关节被动屈曲的活动度。在同一姿势下,年轻人与老年人的远端指间关节活动度也存在显著性差异。 结论:不同年龄和不同姿势可明显影响远端指间关节活动度的测量结果。
关键词:关节活动度  远端指间关节  近端指间关节
A comparative study of range of motion of distal interphalangeal joint in different position and different age    Download Fulltext
Shanghai Eastern Hospital,Tongji University,Shanghai,200120
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the effects of different positions and different age on the range of motion (ROM) of distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints using the universal goniometer. Method: The ROM of DIP joints were measured on 40 healthy participants (20 young and 20 old adults) in four positions as follows: position 1: active flexion ROM of DIP joint with proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint flexion; position 2: passive flexion ROM of DIP joint with PIP joint flexion; position 3: active flexion ROM of DIP joint with PIP joint extension; position 4: passive flexion ROM of DIP joint with PIP joint extension. Level of significance was set at P<0.05. Result: In the same age group, the PIP joints flexion and extension could cause distinct influence on flexion ROM of DIP joints. Whilst the PIP joints were kept at the same position, the difference of active and passive ROM of DIP joint: were still significantly distinct. Additionally, the DIP joints active ROM with PIP joints extension were much smaller than the DIP joints passive ROM with PIP joint flexion. Significant differences of ROM of DIP joints existed between the young group and the old group at each position. Conclusion: Different positions and age should be considerate in assessing ROM of DIP.
Keywords:range of motion  distal interphalangeal joint  proximal interphalangeal joint
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