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李淑荣,刘 洵,陈彦平,林青华,谭思洁,王一春,刘博淼.康复运动对冠心病患者心脏自主神经功能的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(7):619~623
康复运动对冠心病患者心脏自主神经功能的影响    点此下载全文
李淑荣  刘 洵  陈彦平  林青华  谭思洁  王一春  刘博淼
摘要点击次数: 2411
全文下载次数: 2310
      摘要 目的:探讨有氧运动对冠心病患者心脏自主神经功能的影响。 方法:18例女性冠心病患者(实验组),14例女性非冠心病患者(对照组)为本研究的受试者,在康复程序前、后,对她们进行了运动前(安静时)和运动后的心率变异性(HRV)指标的测定,其中包括极低频功率(VLF)、低频功率(LF)、高频功率(HF)、总功率(TP)和低高频比值(LF/HF)。 结果:①与对照组相比,实验组康复程序前安静时VLF、LF、HF和TP均显著降低,而LF/HF显著增高(P<0.01),运动后也有相似的趋势。②与康复程序前相比,12周心脏康复程序后,实验组安静时VLF、LF、HF和TP均有显著增高,LF/HF有所降低(P<0.01和P<0.05);运动后HF显著增高,LF/HF显著降低(P<0.05)。③与安静时相比,康复程序前实验组递增负荷运动后心率变异性指标均无显著性改变;康复程序后实验组递增负荷运动后VLF、LF、TP和LF/HF均有显著降低(P<0.01和P<0.05);对照组递增负荷运动后VLF、LF、HF和TP均有显著降低(P<0.01和P<0.05),LF/HF有显著增高(P<0.01)。 结论:12周运动心脏康复程序不仅可以提高冠心病患者安静时自主神经的调节功能,而且对改善一次急性运动后自主神经的均衡性也有积极作用。
关键词:冠心病患者  运动康复程序  心率变异性  自主神经功能
Effects of exercise-based rehabilitation on cardiac autonomic functions of coronary heart disease patients    Download Fulltext
Department of Health and Movement Science, Tianjin University of Sport, Tianjin,300381
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To examine the effects of exercise-based rehabilitation on cardiac autonomic functions of coronary heart disease patients. Method: Eighteen female coronary heart disease patients (experimental group) and fourteen female non-coronary heart disease patients (control group) were recruited as subjects in the study. Then heart rate variability(HRV) measured before and after exercise, including very low frequency power(VLF), low frequency power(LF), high frequency power(HF), total power(TP) and the ratio of power in low/high frequency(LF/HF), were obtained both pre and post a 12-week exercise based rehabilitation program. Result: ①Compared with the control group, the experimental group showed significant lower values in terms of VLF, LF, HF and TP, and higher value for LF/HF measured before exercise(P<0.01). ②Compared with pre program, values of VLF, LF, HF and TP measured before exercise and HF also measured after exercise were significantly higher in the experimental group post program(P<0.01 and P<0.05), but the LF/HF showed significant lower values measured both before and after exercise(P<0.05).③Compared with before exercise, non-significant changes were observed in the heart rate variability measured after exercise for the experimental group pre program, but significant decreases occurred after exercise for values of VLF, LF, TP and LF/HF post program(P<0.01 and P<0.05). The control group showed significant decreases for values of VLF, LF, HF and TP after exercise, but LF/HF increased significantly(P<0.01 and P<0.05). Conclusion: Autonomic nervous functions both at rest and after a bout of exercise can be improved in coronary heart disease patients through a 12-week exercise based rehabilitation program.
Keywords:coronary heart disease patient  exercise-based rehabilitation program  heart rate variability  autonomic nervous function
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