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纪仲秋,李旭龙,姜桂萍,刘 刚.AnyBody仿真和验证的太极拳训练中下肢生物力学特征[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(9):799~805
AnyBody仿真和验证的太极拳训练中下肢生物力学特征    点此下载全文
纪仲秋  李旭龙  姜桂萍  刘 刚
摘要点击次数: 1747
全文下载次数: 2344
      摘要 目的:利用仿真建模系统和三维测力台对完成太极拳中的弓步和马步动作时,人体支撑腿主要肌肉和膝关节的受力以及支撑稳定性进行研究,并通过表面肌电进行验证。 方法:使用FAB系统采集5名受试者的运动学参数用以建立模型,并通过三维测力台和表面肌电系统对不同动作的动力学及肌电特征进行分析。 结果:①完成不同幅度弓步动作时,比目鱼肌和股二头肌的受力分别为75.19N,215.81N和274.30N,明显高于马步动作。②完成最大幅度弓步和马步动作时,膝关节垂直受力分别为-1454.80N和-498.12N,前后方向的受力分别为-1886.60N和-1947.30N。③股直肌、股内侧肌和股二头肌的肌肉活性仿真结果同积分肌电之间显著相关,相关系数分别为0.900,0.922和0.852。 结论:完成马步动作时,主要发力的肌肉是股直肌和股内侧肌。而完成弓步动作时,比目鱼肌和股二头肌的发力也明显增加,且完成大幅度的弓步动作时,膝关节产生的压缩载荷和剪切载荷很大。同时,大腿肌群中的股直肌、股内侧肌和股二头肌的肌肉活性仿真结果同积分肌电之间一致性较高。
关键词:仿真  太极拳  生物力学  表面肌电  逆向动力学
A biomechanical research of lower limbs in taichiquan with simulation and modeling system    Download Fulltext
College of P.E and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875
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      Abstract Objective: By using simulation and modeling system and force platform to study the support stability of bow-like stance and horse-like stance in taichiquan of different movement ranges. Meanwhile simulation research on main lower limb muscles and joint forces were verified by surface electromyography(sEMG). Method: Five subjects' kinematics parameters were captured by FAB system in order to build the simulation model and analyze the kinetics and sEMG characteristics by force platform and sEMG system. Result: ①In different ranges of bow-like stance, the forces of soleus (SO) and biceps femoris (BF) were 75.19N, 215.81N and 274.30N respectively, which were higher than those in horse-like stance. ②In largest range of bow-like stance and horse-like stance the distal-proximal forces of knee were -1454.80N and -498.12N respectively, the anterior-posterior forces were -1886.60N and -1947.30N respectively. ③The correlations among muscle activity simulation and IEMG of rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM) and biceps femoris (BF) were significant, the correlation indexes were 0.900, 0.922 and 0.852 respectively. Conclusion: In horse-like stance of taichiquan, the main muscle force came from RF and VM. However, in bow-like stance of taichiquan the force of SO and BF raised also. When doing large range bow-like stance, the compression load and shear load of knee were very large. Meanwhile the consistency between simulation results of muscle activity and IEMG were better in RF, VM and BF.
Keywords:simulation  taichiquan  biomechanics  surface electromyography  inverse dynamic
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