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毛玉瑢,王 琪,邢从容,卞瑞豪,贾瑶琪,游寒剑,黄东锋.健康中老年人利手和非利手侧饮水动作的三维运动学研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(3):286~290
健康中老年人利手和非利手侧饮水动作的三维运动学研究    点此下载全文
毛玉瑢  王 琪  邢从容  卞瑞豪  贾瑶琪  游寒剑  黄东锋
摘要点击次数: 1513
全文下载次数: 2343
      摘要 目的:应用三维运动采集系统分析健康中老年人利手和非利手侧上肢饮水动作的运动学特点, 探讨利手和非利手执行特定功能性动作是否存在差异性。 方法:用Vicon Nexus运动采集系统对18名右利手健康中老年人左右侧上肢执行饮水动作的运动轨迹进行采集,分析并比较利手和非利手侧肩、肘和腕关节的三维运动角度变化及角速度峰值。 结果:肘关节X、Y、Z轴上运动角度利手和非利手侧比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。在角速度方面,双侧肩关节X轴上最小值、肘关节Y轴和Z轴的最大值及最小值、腕关节Y轴的最大值比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:健康中老年人在执行饮水动作时,利手侧肘关节的屈伸幅度显著高于非利手侧;而非利手侧肘关节内收外展和内外旋运动角度及角速度显著高于利手侧。
关键词:三维运动分析  上肢  运动角度  角速度
Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of upper limb between dominant and nondominant hand drinking water activity of healthy subjects    Download Fulltext
Rehabilitation of Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangdong Provincial Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Translational Engineering Technology,Guangzhou, 510080
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To compare the kinematic characteristic of upper limb between dominant and nondominant hand of drinking water with healthy subjects by three-dimensional analysis, and exploring the difference. Method: Eighteen healthy subjects with right dominant hand were recruited with the drinking water experiment. A three-dimensional upper extremity kinematic model with Vicon Nexus was using to obtain kinematic angle, angular velocity and trajectory of the shoulder, elbow and wrist at dominant and nondominant hand. The peak angle and velocity were computed and a comparison was made for left and right hand drinking water. Result: Elbow kinematic range of X,Y and Z axes from dominant hand had statistical difference against the nondominant hand(P<0.05). There were statistical significances in angular velocity of minimum peak at X axis of shoulder joint, the maximum and minimum peak at Y and Z axis of elbow joint, and the maximum peak at Y axis of wrist joint between dominant and nondominant hands(P<0.05). Conclusion: The kinematic angle at flexion and extension of elbow joint of dominant hand were significantly higher than that of nondominant hand during drinking water activity. Conversely, the kinematic angle and velocity of elbow joint at abduction and adduction, internal and external rotation, and radial flexion velocity of wrist joint of nondominant hand were more than that of dominant hand.
Keywords:three-dimensional kinematic analysis  upper extremity  kinematic angle  angular velocity
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