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张小珍,蔡保塔,黄舒蓉,潘永毅,刘 珊,蔡文智.新型中药复合海绵敷料对大鼠皮肤创面修复的效果研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(6):632~636
新型中药复合海绵敷料对大鼠皮肤创面修复的效果研究    点此下载全文
张小珍  蔡保塔  黄舒蓉  潘永毅  刘 珊  蔡文智
摘要点击次数: 1453
全文下载次数: 1680
      摘要 目的:探讨新型中药复合海绵敷料对大鼠创面的修复效果。 方法:将30只Wistar大鼠随机分为3组。实验组用中药复合海绵敷料覆盖创面,阳性对照组用海绵基质覆盖创面,阴性对照组用凡士林纱布处理。分别于治疗后第3d、7d、14d观察大鼠创面愈合情况,测定创面面积并取创面做病理分析;治疗后第3d、7d测创面炎症积分。 结果:治疗后第7d、14d,实验组创面愈合率分别为[(71.32±0.08)%]、[(90.44±0.07)%]显著高于阳性对照组[(60.66±0.09)%]、[(81.03±0.04)%]和阴性对照组[(50.01±0.10)%]、[(71.65±0.10)%](P<0.05);治疗后第3d、7d,实验组创面炎症积分分别为(3.20±0.42)分、(1.70±0.48)分,阳性对照组为(4.18±0.60)分、(2.55±0.52)分,阴性对照组为(5.67±0.50)分、(3.89±0.33)分,实验组与后两组比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:新型中药复合海绵敷料对大鼠创面的愈合有促进作用,能够干预创面炎症反应,适宜作为创伤修复敷料。
关键词:海绵敷料  创面  修复
Effects of a new type of Chinese medicine composite sponge dressing on wound healing in rats    Download Fulltext
School of Nursing, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To study the healing effect of a new type of Chinese medicine composite sponge dressing on skin wound in rats. Method:Thirty rats were randomly divided into three groups. The experimental group was rapped with sponge dressing, while the positive control group was rapped with sponge matrix. The control group was rapped with petrolatum gauze. The wound healing and wound pathology was observed at 3,7,14 days after treatment. The each wound area was measured at the 3rd,7th,14th day after treatment, as well as the scores of inflammation response in the wound tissues. Result:After 7 days or 14 days treatment, the wound healing rate of experimental group was about [(71.32±0.08)%] or [(90.44±0.07)%], which were obviously higher than the positive control group[(60.66±0.09)%],[(81.03±0.04)%] and the control group [(50.01±0.10)%], [(71.65±0.10)%](P<0.05). After 3 days or 14 days treatment, the score of inflammation response in the experimental group was about (3.20±0.42) or (1.70±0.48), which were obviously lower than the positive control group (4.18±0.60),(2.55±0.52) and the control group (5.67±0.50), (3.89±0.33)(P<0.05). Conclusion:It can be well concluded that the sponge dressings can promote wound healing and reduce wounds oozing in rats, which makes the sponge dressings be suitable to be skin repair materials.
Keywords:sponge dressings  wound  recovery
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