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侯来永,贺 春,王思远,徐瑞泽,李致衡,杨少峰.太极拳练习者膝关节疼痛调查研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(5):554~559
太极拳练习者膝关节疼痛调查研究    点此下载全文
侯来永  贺 春  王思远  徐瑞泽  李致衡  杨少峰
首都体育学院运动科学与健康学院, 100191
摘要点击次数: 1489
全文下载次数: 2067
      摘要 目的:了解太极拳练习者膝关节疼痛的发病率。探讨太极拳练习者发生膝关节疼痛的原因和预防膝关节疼痛的方法。 方法:采用现场发放问卷的方式对373位太极拳练习者的性别、年龄;练习太极拳时间;准备活动时间;准备活动形式;对拳理了解程度;学习太极拳前是否有膝关节疼痛;练习太极拳过程中是否有膝关节疼痛等问题进行调查。 结果:收回有效问卷355份,练习太极拳前有膝关节疼痛131人占36.90%,练习过程中出现膝关节疼痛175人占49.30%。经统计学分析练习中膝关节疼痛发生率由于练习者性别、拳理了解程度、准备活动时间,以及练习太极拳前有无膝关节疼痛的不同而存在显著差异。练习中膝关节疼痛主要出现在屈膝重心下移和屈膝重心下移加转体的动作形式中。 结论:太极拳练习会增加膝关节疼痛风险;通过加强拳理学习,适当增加准备活动时间,加强股四头肌力量和膝关节控制能力并积极治疗练习前的膝痛有助于降低练习过程中膝关节疼痛发生率。
关键词:太极拳  膝关节  疼痛  发病率  预防
The investigation and study of Tai Chi practitioners knee pain    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing,l00029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To learn the incidence and reason of knee pain in Tai Chi practitioners in order to find the methods to prevent knee pain. Method: We conducted an investigation into the 373 Tai Chi practitioners by sending questionnaires. The questions include the Gender, Age, Tai Chi exercise time; Preparation time; Preparation activity form; The theoretic knowledge; whether there is knee pain or not before learning Tai Chi; whether there is knee pain during practicing Tai Chi etc. Result: Totally 355 effective questionnaires were taken back. 131 practitioners accounted for 36.90% had knee pain before they took part in the Tai Chi exercise. 175cases (49.30%) got the Knee pain in the process of practice. After the statistical analysis, the incidence of the knee pain was related to the practitioners' sex, theoretic knowledge, warm-up time, knee pain before they took part in the Tai Chi exercise and the strengthen of muscles around the knee joint. Knee pain during the exercise mostly happen when performing the knees flexion while lowering the center of gravity. Conclusion: Tai Chi exercise can increase the risk of knee pain. Tai Chi theoretic study, increasing warm up time, strengthening the quadriceps and the control of knee joint, and active treatment of knee pain before practice are beneficial to reduce the incidence of knee pain during the process of practice.
Keywords:Tai Chi  knee  pain  Incidence of a disease  prevention
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