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刘 震,张盘德,容小川,刘翠华,谢亿民,黄国志.脑卒中踝足矫形器的3D打印研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(8):874~878
脑卒中踝足矫形器的3D打印研究    点此下载全文
刘 震  张盘德  容小川  刘翠华  谢亿民  黄国志
摘要点击次数: 1922
全文下载次数: 2246
      摘要 目的:探讨3D打印踝足矫形器(AFO)临床应用的可行性,并希望能够降低打印成本,促进临床应用。 方法:采用Artec三维扫描仪扫描患肢,利用软件Meshlab进行STL文件的表面处理。通过软件Instep将STL文件转换成STP文件。利用Abaqus软件,建立有限元模型,对AFO进行有限元分析。利用软件Evolve对AFO模型结构优化,去除多余的结构。最后通过3D打印机打印制作所需的AFO。 结果:详细展示3D打印AFO的具体流程,有限元分析结果表明,AFO后部中间和两侧区域的应力明显高于其他区域,结构优化后AFO减少了17%的重量,两种材料打印的AFO轻便,打印成本也有降低。 结论:本次研究成功地展示了3D打印AFO的临床应用流程,降低打印成本可以促进3D打印技术的临床应用。
关键词:3D打印  增材制造  踝足矫形器  脑卒中  成本
A study of 3D printing for stroke patients specific ankle-foot orthoses    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First People's Hospital of Foshan, Foshan, 528000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the feasibility of patient specific ankle-foot orthoses fabricated by 3D printing, and to reduce production cost for clinical application ultimately. Method: Firstly, the ankle and foot was scanned by Artec 3D scanner. Secondly, the surfaces of the STL file of the initial AFO design were reduced by the software Meshlab. The STL file of the simplified AFO model was transferred to a STP format using the software Instep. Performed finite element analysis (FEA) using the software Abaqus. Based on the FEA result, inefficient materials were removed using the software Evolve. Finally, 3D printing technique was used to fabricate the optimized AFO. Result: For ankle foot orthoses using 3D printing, the fabrication technology procedures were presented. The stress contours of FEA of the initial AFO showed that the stress levels at the back middle section and the two sides of the middle section of the AFO were higher than those in others areas. The volume of the final AFO had been reduced by 17% from the initial design. Two kinds of AFOs produced by different materials were lightweight and the production costs were reduced correspondingly. Conclusion: This study successfully demonstrated the process of patients specific ankle-foot orthoses fabricated by 3D printing. Cost reduction will contribute to clinical application of 3D printing.
Keywords:3D printing  additive manufacturing  ankle-foot orthosis  stroke  cost
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