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宋志尚,洪跃镇,季林红,邵 鹏.振动触觉感觉统合训练在偏瘫治疗中的有效性验证[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(8):928~932
振动触觉感觉统合训练在偏瘫治疗中的有效性验证    点此下载全文
宋志尚  洪跃镇  季林红  邵 鹏
摘要点击次数: 1573
全文下载次数: 1834
      摘要 目的:对脑损伤偏瘫患者下肢进行运动训练,并用振动触觉提示方法,验证感觉统合训练对偏瘫患者的有效性。 方法:将研制的康复训练平台应用到偏瘫患者的临床实验中,结合振动触觉反馈方式进行训练,以健侧肢体作为康复标准,对患者进行振动触觉提示。训练前后对患者患侧下肢进行Brunnstrom分期。利用角度传感器测量患者下肢的运动,并在频域上进行处理分析,计算出一种康复指标,同训练后的Brunnstrom分期结果进行对比。 结果:患肢膝关节在健侧提示下的运动频率,相对于患侧振动提示下的更高,患者在健侧振动提示下更能准确地完成运动;健侧振动提示时,患肢的运动频率仍低于理论值,无法非常准确地与感觉刺激提示相配合完成运动;Brunnstrom分期评价与计算出的康复指标有很强的相关性。 结论:健侧的感觉功能较为正常,而患肢感觉及运动功能存在障碍;振动触觉提示方案的康复指标能有效描述患者的运动和感觉功能恢复情况,振动触觉与运动统合训练对偏瘫患者下肢康复有一定效果。
关键词:感觉统合训练  振动触觉  脑损伤  偏瘫
Validity checks of vibrotactile sensor integration training on hemiplegic patients    Download Fulltext
Division of Intelligent and Biomechanical System, State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To check the validity of sensor integration training on hemiplegic patients during lower-limb motor rehabilitation with vibrotactile feedback Method: Four patients with traumatic brain injury were trained by a self-designed lower-limb motor training platform, plus vibrotactile feedback. The unaffected extremity was the training target when patients were stimulated by tactile vibration, and patients were measured with Brunnstrom recovery stages both before and after training. Angular sensors were used to measure the movement of knees, and the recorded signals were processed infrequency domain to get a recovery index. These indexes were compared with Brunnstrom recovery stages after training Result: Motion frequency of affected knee was higher when vibration stimulated on the unaffected side than that on the affected side. When patients were stimulated by vibration on unaffected side, affected knee's motion frequency is lower than normal value. Brunnstrom stages were quite relevant to patients' recovery indexes. Conclusion: Patients' proprioception on the unaffected side is approximately normal, and proprioception and motion on the affected side have problems. Vibrotactile sensor integration training is valid on hemiplegic patients, and the recovery index is useful to reflect patients' motion and sensory abilities.
Keywords:synsor integration training  tactile vibration  traumatic brain injury  hemiplegia
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