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全莉娟,陈 晓,王 珺,应德霞.早期康复介入对脑损伤幼鼠的行为学及其体内降钙素基因相关肽表达的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2017,(10):1114~1118
早期康复介入对脑损伤幼鼠的行为学及其体内降钙素基因相关肽表达的影响    点此下载全文
全莉娟  陈 晓  王 珺  应德霞
摘要点击次数: 1339
全文下载次数: 1241
      摘要 目的:研究早期康复治疗对缺血缺氧性脑损伤幼鼠的行为学及其体内降钙素基因相关肽表达的影响。 方法:将40只15日龄SD大鼠平均分为4组,每组10只,分别为:脑损伤模型组:结扎大鼠左颈总动脉并置于含8%氧气和92%氮气的缺氧环境中,以此作为脑损伤模型;康复治疗组:造模后连续两周给予触摸(20 min/d)、丰富环境刺激(30 min/d)和平衡木训练(30min/d);假手术组:行左侧颈总动脉分离术后不作结扎及缺氧处理;对照组:不做处理。康复治疗两周后对各组大鼠进行平衡木实验、步伐失误实验和Morris水迷宫实验,并测定血浆、脑组织和脊髓中降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)的含量。 结果:与对照组相比,康复治疗组大鼠的平衡木实验评分增加1.6(P<0.01),步伐失误率增加8.07%(P<0.01),Morris水迷宫实验中的逃避潜伏期增加18.1s(P<0.01),2min内跨越原平台的次数减少6次(P<0.01),血浆、脑组织和脊髓中CGRP含量分别增加18.94pg/ml、103.38pg/ml和197.26pg/ml(P<0.01);与脑损伤模型组相比,康复治疗组大鼠的平衡木实验得分减少1.8(P<0.01),步伐失误率减少15.59%(P<0.01),Morris水迷宫实验中的逃避潜伏期减少10.5s(P<0.05),2min内跨越原平台的次数增加4次(P<0.05),血浆、脑组织和脊髓中CGRP含量分别减少13.91pg/ml、86.57pg/ml和120.16pg/ml(P<0.05)。 结论:早期康复介入两周对脑损伤幼鼠的平衡能力、协调能力、学习记忆能力有明显改善,并能增加血浆、脑组织和脊髓中CGRP的含量,但未能恢复到正常水平。
关键词:康复  缺血缺氧性脑损伤  行为  降钙素基因相关肽
Effects of early rehabilitation on the behavior and expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide in neonatal rats with brain damage    Download Fulltext
The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang,330000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To study the effects of early rehabilitation on the behavior and expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP) in neonatal rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. Method:Totally 40 15d rats were divided into 4 groups, and 10 rats each, sex in half. The 4 groups were brain damage group: brain damage model was established by ligature the left common carotid artery followed by exposure to hypoxia environment (8% O2 and 92% N2) for 2 hours; rehabilitation group: brain damaged rats were stimulated by touch (20 minutes daily), enriched environment (30 minutes daily) and traversing a balance beam (30 minutes daily) for two weeks; sham-operated group: rats were only subjected to the separation of left carotid artery without carotid ligation and hypoxia; control group: neither model establishment nor rehabilitation was done. Beam balance test, foot fault test and Morris water maze test were performed and content of CGRP in plasma, brain tissue and spinal cord were determined after two weeks of rehabilitation. Result: Compared with control group, there were 1.6 points increase in scores of traversing a balance beam(P<0.01), 8.07% increase in rate of foot fault(P<0.01), escape latent period increased 18.1 seconds in Morris water maze P<0.01), 6 times decrease in crossing the original platform within 2 minutes(P<0.01), 18.94 pg/ml, 103.38 pg/ml and 197.26 pg/ml decrease in CGRP content of plasma, brain tissue and spinal cord, respectively(P<0.01). Compared with model group, there were 1.8 points fall in scores of traversing a square bridge(P<0.01), 15.59% decrease in rate of foot fault(P<0.01), 10.5 seconds decrease in escape latent period(P<0.05), 4 times increase in crossing the original platform within 2 minutes(P<0.05), 13.91pg/ml, 86.57pg/ml and 120.16pg/ml increase in CGRP content of plasma, brain tissue and spinal cord, respectively(P<0.05). Conclusion: The rats ability of balance, coordination, learning and memory failure to return to normal levels but ameliorated significantly after two weeks of rehabilitation, and the levels of CGRP in plasma, brain tissue and spinal cord were markedly increased.
Keywords:rehabilitation  hypoxic-ischemic brain damage  behavior  calcitonin gene-related peptide
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