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王 丹,钟清玲,康瑞华,王彦军,罗 滨,丁燕青,张佩嘉,王 婧,汤小敏.脑性瘫痪家庭康复指导微信公众号的可用性评价[J].中国康复医学杂志,2018,(5):539~544
脑性瘫痪家庭康复指导微信公众号的可用性评价    点此下载全文
王 丹  钟清玲  康瑞华  王彦军  罗 滨  丁燕青  张佩嘉  王 婧  汤小敏
摘要点击次数: 1289
全文下载次数: 1031
      摘要 目的:探究脑性瘫痪患儿家长对家庭康复指导微信公众号的使用现况及体验以评价公众号的可用性。 方法:研究者申请微信公众号,在医院进行推广并定期更新康复指导内容。微信公众号运行3个月后,对关注用户进行使用情况分析并通过自制问卷调查家长使用体验。 结果:家庭康复指导微信公众号已有来自全国25个省份的190例患儿家长关注。发送的28条图文消息被1361人点击3586次,其中点击量较多的内容依次为微信群聊、推拿按摩指导、患儿能力测评。参与问卷调查的60例患儿家长中,“经常阅读”和“偶尔阅读”图文消息的各占50%,“总是仔细阅读”每条推送消息的家长占53.33%,向其他患儿家长推荐过本公众号的家长占95%,转发精彩图文消息至自己微信朋友圈的患儿家长占83.33%。患儿家长自评获益性体验得分为(7.88±1.59)分,其主要影响因素为患儿疾病分型、性别、Barthel指数得分和家长满意度。 结论:脑瘫患儿家长对微信公众号的认可接受度与应用实效较为满意,并能获得较多的专业与情感支持。因此,家庭康复微信公众号可作为对脑瘫患儿家长提供支持并促进其对患儿实施有效康复锻炼的便携健康指导工具。
关键词:脑性瘫痪  家庭康复  微信公众号  家长
The usability evaluation of a family rehabilitation guidance WeChat platform for parents with cerebral palsy children    Download Fulltext
Nanchang University, 330000
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To explore the WeChat platform using current conditions and experience for parents with cerebral palsy children, and to evaluate its availability. Method:WeChat platform was applied, then popularized it in a hospital and updated content regularly. After three months practice, analyzed the user usage and investigated parents using experience through a self-made questionnaire. Result:There were 190 parents from 25 provinces joined the WeChat platform. There were 28 article clicked 3586 times by 1361 visitors, the m ost popular content of WeChat platform were group chat, massage guidance, children ability assessment, walk (stand) training and language training. Among 60 parents participated in the questionnaire, 50% were those who "often reading" and" occasionally reading" each message, and there were 53.3% who "always reading carefully" of each message, 95% parents recommend WeChat platform to other parents, 83.3% parents send excellent messages to his WeChat friends. The score of self-reported gain was (7.88±1.59), the main influence factors were children’s disease classification, gender, Barthel index scores and parents' satisfaction. Conclusion:Parents accept and satisfy with the WeChat platform, and can obtain more professional and emotional support. Therefore, WeChat platform can be a portable health guidance tool which supports parents and promotes them to do effective rehabilitation exercise for their children.
Keywords:cerebral palsy  family rehabilitation  WeChat platform  parents
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