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徐 莉,薛 强,孙英耀,杨 硕.基于移动辅具结构设计的握力实验研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(11):1333~1338
基于移动辅具结构设计的握力实验研究    点此下载全文
徐 莉  薛 强  孙英耀  杨 硕
摘要点击次数: 911
全文下载次数: 625
      摘要 目的:研究肩关节和肘关节屈曲角度对握力的影响,确定最佳施力位置,从而指导移动辅具相关结构设计。 方法:采集32例志愿者在不同手臂姿势下的握力数据,选取4个肩关节屈曲角度(0°、30°、60°、90°)和4个肘关节屈曲角度(0°、30°、60°、90°)进行实验,使用CAMRY-EH101型握力计分别测试13个角度组合下的双侧握力,之后对测量结果进行统计学分析。 结果:优势手握力均大于非优势手握力;肘关节屈曲角度对握力值差异有显著影响,肩关节屈曲角度对握力值差异无显著影响;握力较大的肩关节屈曲角度范围是0°—60°,肘关节屈曲角度范围是0°—30°;握力较小的角度范围是90°肘关节屈曲伴随着肩关节屈曲60°—90°。 结论:在进行移动辅具结构设计时,推荐将使用者的手臂操作姿势保持在肩关节屈曲0°—60°、肘关节屈曲0°—30°范围内;同时,该实验结果也可用于指导使用者在使用移动辅具时的手臂姿势。
关键词:移动辅具  握力  肩关节屈曲角度  肘关节屈曲角度
Grip strength research based on a type of transfer assistant device structure design    Download Fulltext
College of Mechanical Engineering,Tianjin University of Science & Technology,Tianjin,300222
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To study the effects of different flexion angles of shoulder and elbow on grip strength, determine the optimal position of shoulder and elbow when applying force, and guide the ergonomic design of assistive ambulatory device. Method: 32 volunteers participated in the study. Four shoulder flexion angles (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°) and four elbow flexion angles (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°) were selected. The CAMRY-EH101 dynamometer was used to measure the bilateral grip strength under 13 angle combinations,and then the measurement results were analyzed statistically. Result: The grip strength of the dominant hand is greater than that of the non-dominant hand. The elbow flexion angle had significant effect on the difference of grip strength, while the shoulder flexion angle had no significant effect on grip strength. Grip strength is larger when shoulder flexion angle range is between 0° to 60° and elbow flexion angle range is between 0° to 60°. Grip strength is smaller when shoulder flexion angle range is between 60° to 90° and elbow flexion angle is 90°. Conclusion: When designing the transfer assistant device, it is recommended to maintain the patient's arm posture in the range of 0°—60° for shoulder flexion and 0°—30° for elbow flexion. Meanwhile, the results can also be used to guide the user's arm posture while using the assistive ambulatory device.
Keywords:assistive ambulatory device  grip strength  shoulder flexion angle  elbow flexion angle
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