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郑 陆,陈晓红,王 超,王智强.雌性大鼠过量运动的破骨作用效应观察[J].中国康复医学杂志,2011,26(4):342~346
雌性大鼠过量运动的破骨作用效应观察    点此下载全文
郑 陆  陈晓红  王 超  王智强
摘要点击次数: 2240
全文下载次数: 2548
      摘要 目的:通过雌性大鼠的长期递增负荷跑台运动,观察过量运动对骨代谢的破骨作用效应。 方法:108只3月龄雌性大鼠随机分为6组,分别进行4、9、11、13、15、17周的递增负荷运动(T4、T9、T11、T13、T15、T17组,每组10只大鼠),并设立同期对照组(每组8只大鼠)。以DEXA仪测定大鼠全身BMD值;以放免法测定血清雌二醇(E2)水平;以ELISA法测定大鼠血清巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、骨保护素(OPG)等细胞因子的水平。 结果:大鼠BMD结果显示,T4组显著高于同期对照组,T15及T17组显著低于同期对照组。各运动组雌激素水平呈现逐渐降低趋势,T13、T15、T17组差异有显著性意义。血清细胞因子的结果显示,在整个运动过程中,TNF-α明显高于对照组;OPG在运动后半程显著低于对照组;GM-CSF与对照组差异不明显。 结论:17周递增负荷训练后,大鼠出现以破骨作用占主导地位的骨代谢改变,BMD下降。
关键词:递增负荷  过量运动  骨密度  破骨细胞  细胞因子
Observation of bone resorption effect induced by over-load training in female rats    Download Fulltext
Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing,100088
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To observe the bone resorption effect induced by over-load training in female rats. Method: One hundred and eight 3-month-old female rats were divided into 6 groups 10 rats in each group at random to receive 4, 9, 11, 13, 15,17 weeks progressively increasing load training on treadmill respectively. In addition, the study set corresponding control groups 8 rats in each group. Bone mineral density(BMD) was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry(DEXA), estradiol(E2) was measured by radioimmunoassay(RIA), and serum glanulocyte macrophage colony-stimalating factor(GM-CSF), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), osteoprotegerin(OPG) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Result: In T4(training 4 weeks) group BMD were of higher levels compared with corresponding control group, and in T15 and T17(training 15 and 17 weeks) groups BMD were at lower levels. E2 showed a gradual decreasing trend, and there were significant differences in T13,T15 and T17 groups. TNF-α concentrations increased significantly in the training period, OPG decreased in the later period, and there was no change in GM-CSF. Conclusion: Through 17 weeks progressively increasing load training on treadmill, bone resorption played a dominant role in bone metabolism of female rats, and BMD decreased finally.
Keywords:progressively increasing load  over-load training  bone mineral density  osteoclast, cytokine
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