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万 里,卞 荣.持续平移性关节内活动技术对肩袖损伤后功能康复的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2013,28(11):1021~1024
持续平移性关节内活动技术对肩袖损伤后功能康复的影响    点此下载全文
万 里  卞 荣
摘要点击次数: 1858
全文下载次数: 2584
      摘要 目的:探讨将持续平移性关节内活动技术增加到肩袖损伤后康复治疗方案中,观察其对肩关节功能康复的影响。 方法:选择肩袖损伤后肩关节功能障碍患者80例,随机分为两组,对照组和治疗组各40例。对照组进行理疗、运动治疗及Maitland关节松动术,总的治疗时间为1h/d。10d为1个疗程,共进行3个疗程,各疗程间无间隔。治疗组增加肩关节持续平移性关节内活动治疗,每次治疗时间为15min,1次/d。肩关节持续平移性关节内活动技术包括:①胸锁关节持续平移性关节内活动;②肩锁关节持续平移性关节内活动;③盂肱关节持续平移性关节内活动;④肩胸关节持续平移性关节内活动。评估:①患肩关节治疗前后的关节活动范围(ROM);②应用美国肩与肘协会评分系统(ASES)的肩关节评价标准,对照量表对80例患者治疗前后的肩关节功能逐项进行评估。 结果:纳入患者80例,分为两组,全部进入结果分析。两组患者治疗3个疗程后肩关节ROM及功能评分变化:①对照组治疗3个疗程后,肩关节ROM及功能评分均提高,与本组治疗前比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05); ②治疗组治疗3个疗程后肩关节ROM及功能评分均明显改善,与本组治疗前比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);与对照组治疗后比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 结论:持续平移性关节内活动技术对改善肩袖损伤患者的肩关节活动范围,提高肩关节运动功能。
关键词:持续平移性关节内活动技术  肩袖损伤  康复
Interventional effect of sustained translatory intra-articular mobilization technique on shoulder joint dysfunction following rotator cuff injury    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing,210029
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of sustained translatory intra-articular mobilization technique combined with traditional method on shoulder joint dysfunction following rotator cuff injury. Method: Eighty patients with shoulder joint dysfunction following rotator cuff injury were randomly divided into treatment group (n=40) and control group (n=40). Patients in control group received 1h therapy including physical modalities, physical therapy and Maitland mobilization one after another for 1h/d. Patients in treatment group received the same therapy as control group, combined with sustained translatory intra-articular mobilization technique for 15min/d. The technique involved: ①sternoclavicular Joint,②acromioclavicular Joint,③glenohumeral Joint, ④scapulothoracic articulation. In both groups, 10 treatment sessions were added up of one course, and all the patients were treated for three courses continuously. ROM and motor function of shoulder joint were evaluated with shoulder function scale(ASES) before and after treatment. Result:All patients were involved in the result analysis. ①After 3-courses treatment, scores of ROM and motor function of shoulder joint improved obviously in the two groups(P<0.05).②The scores of ROM and motor function of shoulder joint were significantly higher in treatment group than control group(P<0.05). Conclusion:Sustained translatory intra-articular mobilisation technique can improve the range of motion and motor function of shoulder joint in patients post rotator cuff injury.
Keywords:sustained translatory intra-articular mobilization technique  rotator cuff injury  rehabilitation
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