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吴志彬,蒋宛凌,舒 彬,周 梅,刘夕东.功能性反馈疗法在下肢假肢装配中的应用[J].中国康复医学杂志,2014,29(7):628~632
功能性反馈疗法在下肢假肢装配中的应用    点此下载全文
吴志彬  蒋宛凌  舒 彬  周 梅  刘夕东
摘要点击次数: 1686
全文下载次数: 2341
      摘要 目的: 探讨功能性反馈疗法在下肢假肢装配中的应用价值。 方法: 将40例单侧下肢截肢患者随机分为常规组和反馈组。常规组按照治疗师的指导进行训练,反馈组借助步态评估与反馈训练系统提供的声音反馈进行训练。分别在步行训练前、步行训练5d与10d后,测定两组患肢的承重能力和步行时空参数。 结果:常规组及反馈组训练5d、10d后,假肢脚全足、足跟、足尖承重力均比训练前显著提高(P<0.01),双侧步长、患侧步长时间、双侧支撑时间与训练前相比有明显提高(P<0.05);反馈组训练5d后,全足、足跟、足尖的承重力均大于常规组(P<0.01),患侧步长、患侧步幅、患侧支撑相时间、步速优于常规组(P<0.05);与训练5d比较,反馈组训练10d,假肢全足、足尖的承重力、患侧步长、健侧摆动相时间、患侧支撑相时间均优于常规组(P<0.05)。 结论: 功能性反馈疗法能提高下肢假肢装配后的承重能力,改善步态,缩短训练周期。
关键词:功能性反馈治疗  下肢假肢  假肢训练  步态分析
A study on functional feedback therapy in lower limb prosthesis assembly    Download Fulltext
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Research Institute of Surgery, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, 400042
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the value of functional feedback therapy(FFT) in lower extremity prosthetics assembly. Method: A total of 40 patients with unilateral amputee were randomly divided into two groups: Conventional group were trained only by the verbal guidance method, and FFT group used the SmartStep feedback training method. The gait temporal-spatial parameters and the weight bearing (WB) capacity were collected and analyzed before walking training on the 1st day, after the training on the 5th day and the 10th day. Result: Compared with pre-training, the WB of entirefoot, hindfoot, forefoot (P<0.01) and the bilateral step length, effected step time, bilateral support time (P<0.05) after 5 and 10 days' training in the both groups showed all statistical advantage. There were significant improvements (P<0.01) in the WB of entirefoot, hindfoot, forefoot and statistical advantage (P<0.05) in the effected step length, effected stride length, effected support time, velocity for 5 days' training in the feedback group than those in the conventional group. And compared with the 5th day results, the WB of entirefoot, forefoot and the effected step length, healthy swing time, effected support time after 10 days' training improved better (P<0.05) in the feedback group than those in the conventional group. Conclusion: Functional feedback therapy can increase the WB of lower limb prosthesis, improve the gait, and shorten the training time.
Keywords:functional feedback therapy  lower limb prosthesis  prosthetic training  gait analysis
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