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吴军发,徐邵红,胡瑞萍,朱妍静,施爱萍,路微波,吴 毅.岛盖综合征患者临床特征与康复规律的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2016,(9):941~944
岛盖综合征患者临床特征与康复规律的研究    点此下载全文
吴军发  徐邵红  胡瑞萍  朱妍静  施爱萍  路微波  吴 毅
摘要点击次数: 1482
全文下载次数: 1508
      摘要 目的:探讨岛盖综合征的主要临床特征和恢复规律,优化岛盖综合征的临床诊断和康复干预方法。 方法:收集13例门诊或住院的岛盖综合征患者,用口面失用量表、Frenchay构音障碍评定法等量表,在首次门诊或入院后第1天、出院前1天评定患者,根据入院后第1天康复评定的结果予以住院患者个体化的康复干预。 结果:8例皮质型患者的皮质病损部位累及单侧或双侧岛盖;所有患者首诊或入院时口面失用量表评定均提示有显著的口、面、舌肌的自主运动障碍,住院患者经康复干预后口面失用量表评分显著性增高,9例入院时为鼻饲营养的住院患者经康复治疗后有6例患者改为经口进食,约占66.7%;所有患者首诊或入院时均表现为重度构音障碍,10例住院患者经20天以上的康复训练,仍为重度构音障碍。 结论:口腔期吞咽障碍和重度构音障碍是岛盖综合征患者重要临床特征,大多数岛盖综合征患者经康复治疗能恢复经口进食,而构音障碍却很难恢复。
关键词:岛盖综合征  口面失用  构音障碍  Frenchay构音障碍评定法  康复训练
The clinical characteristics and recovery of patients with opercular syndrome    Download Fulltext
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Huashan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, 200040
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics and recovery of opercular syndrome (OS), and optimize its clinical diagnosis and treatment. Method: Prospectively recruit thirteen patients with opercular syndrome, and assess them with oralfacial apraxia assessment and Frenchay dysarthria assessment at outpatient clinic or the day after admission and the day before discharge. All inpatients got individual therapy based on admission assessment. Result: The cortical lesions of eight patients were involved with one or both sides of opercular area. The results of oralfacial apraxia assessment showed that all thirteen patients have the voluntary movement disorder of Oral-mandibular/buccal-lingual muscle, and the average score of oralfacial apraxia assessment got a significant increase after rehabilitation therapy. Six of nine patients who needed nasogastric tube feeding transited to oral feeding after inpatient rehabilitation therapy, and the percentage is 66.7%. The results of Frenchay dysarthria assessment revealed that 100% of the thirteen patients got severe dysarthria, and ten inpatients didn’t get significant improvement by after rehabilitation therapy. Conclusion: Oral dysphagia and severe dysarthria are the characteristic symptom of opercular syndrome. Most of OS patients can return to oral feeding after rehabilitation therapy, while no improvement in articulation.
Keywords:opercular syndrome  oralfacial apraxia  dysarthria  Frenchay dysarthria assessment  rehabilitation therapy
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