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董煜琳,王惠芳,郑依粒,刘晓晨,胡浩宇,恭 迪,张 娟,宋 歌,王雪强.不同振动条件对慢性下背痛患者腰腹部肌群表面肌电信号的影响[J].中国康复医学杂志,2018,(3):297~303
不同振动条件对慢性下背痛患者腰腹部肌群表面肌电信号的影响    点此下载全文
董煜琳  王惠芳  郑依粒  刘晓晨  胡浩宇  恭 迪  张 娟  宋 歌  王雪强
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(81501956);上海市科委青年科技英才扬帆计划项目(15YF14114000);上海市教委科研创新项目(15ZZ084);上海市人类运动能力开发与保障重点实验室资助项目(11DZ2261100);上海体育学院研究生国(境)外访学计划资助项目 (stfx20170106)
摘要点击次数: 1860
全文下载次数: 1824
      摘要 目的:通过施加不同条件下的振动刺激,探讨振动训练对于慢性下背痛患者腰腹部肌群表面肌电信号的影响。利用表面肌电分析的方法,寻求最佳的振动频率和运动方式。 方法:采用MyoResearch XP Master Software Version 1.07.17表面分析系统测试21例慢性下背痛患者腰腹部肌肉的肌肉电信号。所有受试者分别在振动频率为0Hz、5Hz、10Hz、15Hz下完成平板支撑、侧撑、V字支撑三个动作。 结果:①竖脊肌的表面肌电值:在不同动作之间均有显著性差异(P<0.05),在平板支撑和V字支撑的情况下,不同频率之间具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。②腹外斜肌的表面肌电值:在四种频率的情况下,不同动作之间均有显著性差异(P<0.05),平板支撑和侧撑的情况下,不同频率之间具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。③腹直肌的表面肌电值:在0Hz和5Hz的情况下,不同动作之间均有显著性差异(P<0.05),在三组动作的情况下,不同频率之间均没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。 结论:不同振动条件的刺激,对慢性下背痛患者腰腹部肌群影响不同。竖脊肌最佳的振动频率为15Hz,最佳的振动动作为侧撑;腹外斜肌最佳的振动频率为15Hz,最佳的振动动作为V字支撑;腹直肌的振动动作为V字支撑,就不同频率而言,虽然腹直肌随着频率的增高,放电量逐渐增加,但是不会对肌肉产生显著性影响。
关键词:表面肌电  全身振动  腰腹部肌群  慢性下背痛
Analysis of surface electromyography of lumbo-abdominal muscles in patients with chronic low back pain under different vibration conditions    Download Fulltext
Shanghai University of Sports, Shanghai, 200438
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To explore the influence of vibration stimulation on chronic low back pain patients lumbo-abdominal major muscles under different vibration stimulation conditions, and to determine the best vibration frequency and location by surface electromyography (sEMG) analysis. Method: sEMG signals from the lumbo-abdominal major muscles of 21 chronic low back pain patients were measured with the MyoResearch XP Master Software Version 1.07.17. Each subjects performed 3 exercises on 0Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz, 15Hz a vibration platform: plank, side stay and the “V” crunch. Result: ①The surface electromyography of erector muscles showed significant difference between different exercises (P<0.05). Under plank and “V” crunch, there were significant differences between different frequency (P<0.05). ②The external oblique surface EMG values: in the four case of frequency, there were significant differences between different exercises (P<0.05). Under plank and side stay conditions, there were significant differences between different frequency (P<0.05). ③The surface electromyography of rectus abdominis muscle: there were significant differences between different movements (P<0.05) under 5Hz and 0Hz. There was no significant difference in frequency between three groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Different vibration stimulation conditions has different effects on the lumbo-abdominal major muscles in patients with chronic lower back pain. Erector muscles: the best frequency of vibration is 15Hz. the best exercise is side stay. External oblique: the best frequency of vibration is 15Hz, the best exercise is side stay. Rectus abdominis: the best exercise on the vibration platform is “V” crunch. Although the rectus abdominis discharge capacity had increased with increasing frequency, but the muscles were not activated significantly.
Keywords:surface electromyography  whole-body vibration  lumbo-abdominal muscles  chronic low back pain
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