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甘晓鹏,陆耀飞,陈正权,方春意,张 樱.肌筋膜放松训练对正常人腰部神经肌肉功能影响的研究[J].中国康复医学杂志,2019,(11):1316~1322
肌筋膜放松训练对正常人腰部神经肌肉功能影响的研究    点此下载全文
甘晓鹏  陆耀飞  陈正权  方春意  张 樱
摘要点击次数: 1187
全文下载次数: 855
      摘要 目的:观察肌筋膜放松训练对正常人腰部神经肌肉功能的影响,为肌筋膜放松训练的临床应用提供依据。 方法:试验采用随机双盲设计,共23例男性健康受试者,随机分为空白组(7例)、安慰剂组(8例)、试验组(8例)。试验组进行腰部的肌筋膜放松训练,安慰剂组给予模拟电刺激,空白组不做任何干预。每位受试者在干预后即刻(0 min)、10 min、20 min进行躯干的屈曲-伸展测试,并同时采集L3、L5水平左右双侧竖脊肌和多裂肌的表面肌电信号(surface electromyography, sEMG)以及躯干和骨盆在矢状面上的运动加速度信号。计算并分析三组的腰椎屈曲关节活动度、竖脊肌和多裂肌在屈曲—放松现象中肌电静息开始(EMG-off)和终止(EMG-on)时的腰椎角度,以及屈曲—放松比(flexion-relaxation ratio, FRR)。 结果:空白组、安慰剂组、试验组的腰椎关节活动度、竖脊肌和多裂肌EMG-off、EMG-on时的腰椎角度无显著性差异(P>0.05),在三个不同时间点内试验组的FRR值与空白组和安慰剂组比较,大部分具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。 结论:肌筋膜放松训练后腰部竖脊肌和多裂肌的主动活动功能提高,肌肉激活模式得到改善。放松后不影响腰部的神经肌肉功能,对腰椎稳定性具有强化作用。
关键词:肌筋膜放松  腰部稳定性  表面肌电
The effect of self-myofascial release on neuromuscular responses of lumber in healthy subjects during trunk flexion-extension    Download Fulltext
School of Kinesiology, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, 200438
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective: To investigate the effect of self-myofascial release on neuromuscular responses of healthy lumber while the trunk doing flexion and re-extension. Method:Twenty-three healthy men were included in the study. The subjects were randomly separated into blank group (7), placebo group (8) and treatment group (8).The subjects of treatment group accepted self-myofascial release training for their lumbar. The placebo group accepted false electrical stimulation, the blank group accepted no intervention. Every subject did the trunk flexion-extension test at 0min, 10min and 20min after intervention. Both the surface electromyography (sEMG) from bilateral erector spinae(at L3) and multifidus(at L5) and the accelerometer signal at sagittal plane from T12 and S1 were recorded at each flexion-extension test. Lumbar range of motion, lumbar flexion angle corresponding to the onset (EMG-off) and cessation (EMG-on) of myoelectric silence from erector spinae and multifidus, flexion-relaxation ratio (FRR) were all calculated and analyzed for comparison. Result: There is no significant difference in lumbar range of motion as well as the EMG-off and EMG-on angle of lumbar flexion from erector spinae and multifidus (P>0.05). The FRR of treatment group is much larger than the other two groups’ obviously, no matter from erector spinae and multifidus(P<0.05). Conclusion: The result suggested that the active motion function of the erector spinae and multifidus could be improved after self-myofascial release, which won't change the neuromuscular responses of lumber and could strengthen the stability of lumbar instead.
Keywords:self-myofascial release  lumber stability  surface electromyography
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