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谷 莉,张巧云,杨延砚,周谋望.踝关节运动损伤患者的焦虑抑郁状态及其影响因素[J].中国康复医学杂志,2020,(1):17~21
踝关节运动损伤患者的焦虑抑郁状态及其影响因素    点此下载全文
谷 莉  张巧云  杨延砚  周谋望
摘要点击次数: 1455
全文下载次数: 1388
      摘要 目的:研究慢性踝关节运动损伤患者的焦虑抑郁及影响焦虑抑郁的危险因素。 方法:调查因踝关节或髋膝关节运动损伤门诊就诊病程>6个月的患者,共110例,其中踝关节损伤患者56例,髋或膝关节损伤患者54例。患者年龄18—50岁,进行下肢功能评分(lower extremity functional scale,LEFS)、医院焦虑抑郁(hospital anxious and depression, HAD)问卷调查。将HAD评分作为因变量,是否为踝关节损伤、性别、年龄、病程、受教育程度、是否独居及是否休病假作为因子和协变量进行logistic有序回归分析。 结果:踝关节损伤患者焦虑分级更高的OR值是髋膝关节损伤患者的2.364倍(95%CI:1.085—5.155),χ2=4.683,P=0.03。专科/本科学历患者焦虑分级更高的OR值是研究生学历患者的2.654倍(95%CI:1.019—6.917),χ2=3.991,P=0.046。LEFS评分每增加1分,焦虑分级更高的OR值是原来的0.946倍(95%CI:0.919—0.973),χ2=14.601,P<0.001;抑郁分级更高的OR值是原来的0.964倍(95%CI:0.963—0.993),χ2=5.881,P=0.015。年龄、性别、病程、是否独居和是否休病假与焦虑抑郁无关。 结论:踝关节损伤、专科/本科学历及下肢功能评分LEFS较低均为下肢运动损伤患者焦虑的危险因素,下肢功能评分LEFS较低者的抑郁较重。
关键词:踝关节  运动损伤  焦虑  抑郁
Anxiety and its influencing factors in patients with ankle joint injury    Download Fulltext
Peking University Third Hospital, 100191 and Peking University Third Hospital, 100191
Fund Project:
      Abstract Objective:To study the anxiety and depression of patients with chronic ankle sports injury and the risk factors of anxiety and depression. Method:A total of 110 patients aged 18—50 years who were admitted to the outpatient clinic for ankle or hip/knee sports injury for more than 6 months were investigated by lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) and hospital anxiety and depression (HAD) questionnaires. HAD score was taken as the dependent variable, logistic orderly regression analysis was made on whether ankle injury, gender, age, course of disease, education level, solitude and sick leave were the factors and covariates. Result:The OR value of anxiety severity in patients with ankle injury was 2.364 times higher than that in patients with hip and knee injury(95%CI:1.085—5.155),χ2=4.683,P=0.03. The OR value of anxiety in the patients with college or undergraduate degree was 2.654 times higher than that of the patients with graduate degree(95%CI:1.019—6.917),χ2=3.991,P=0.046. For each increase in LEFS score, the OR value of "anxiety severity" was 0.946 times(95%CI:0.919—0.973),χ2=14.601,P<0.001, and the OR value of "depression severity" was 0.964 times(95%CI:0.963—0.993),χ2=5.881,P=0.015. Age, gender, course of disease, solitude or sick leave was not associated with anxiety and depression. Conclusion:Ankle injury, college/undergraduate degree and lower lower extremity function score were all risk factors for anxiety in patients with lower extremity sports injury, and those with lower LEFS were more depressed.
Keywords:ankle joint  sports injuries  anxiety  depression
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